PWM module 1 and 2

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PWM module 1 and 2

Post by Bobes » Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:06 pm

We have experienced problems when using only second PWM module on dsPIC33fj128mc804. it does not compile correctly. Log is enclosed.
When we added the first PWM module, it works fine.

Another "bug" is when we use both modules and different periods: both generate constant PWM visible in workspace, could you make them PWMn: PWM1 and PWM2? It is not necessary, but would help.
Kind regards
Error report.txt
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Re: PWM module 1 and 2

Post by LubinKerhuel » Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:59 pm

Hi Josef,

Thanks for the report.
Bobes wrote:We have experienced problems when using only second PWM module on dsPIC33fj128mc804. it does not compile correctly. Log is enclosed.
When we added the first PWM module, it works fine.
From the report you posted, it looks like a .h definition file about PWM 2 peripheral is missing (i.e. not included).
It may speed-up the corection if you could post your model (or a reduced version with the bug) on the forum (or by email if it is not to be published).

Bobes wrote: Another "bug" is when we use both modules and different periods: both generate constant PWM visible in workspace, could you make them PWMn: PWM1 and PWM2? It is not necessary, but would help.
This seems absolutely necessary ! Thank-you very much for pointing this out.

I may not find time this week for correcting theses bug in a short time. I'll do my best to do it next week anyway.


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Re: PWM module 1 and 2

Post by Bobes » Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:07 am

Hi Lubin,
well I do not have the exact model on me now, not that it is a secret, its not my own project. So I have made a simple model (attached), which will give an error described above. When I add another motor PWM module (#1), then it works fine.
I would guess that there is something in the first one that is needed, or may be, but i would say unlikely, to second PWM module to be working, the first one has to be online too?
only PWM module 2 used - gives an error described in first topic
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Re: PWM module 1 and 2

Post by LubinKerhuel » Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:48 am

First part workaround:
LubinKerhuel wrote:it looks like a .h definition file about PWM 2 peripheral is missing
It seems to be a microchip error in the pwm12.h definition file still remaining in v3.22 compiler version !
already published on the wiki :

Search for the pwm12.h def file in your C30 compiler directory. For me, it is in
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLAB C30\src\peripheral_30F_24H_33F\include\pwm12.h"

There is an "#ifdef" error: The current strucutre is something like

Code: Select all

#ifdef _PWM1IF
 define PWM1
 define PWM2
it should be:

Code: Select all

#ifdef _PWM1IF
 define PWM1

#ifdef _PWM2IF
 define PWM2
Thus, line 511, change the line
#endif // #ifdef _PWM1IF line 17
#ifdef _PWM2IF

The corrected file is here (file pwm12.h) :

Code: Select all

/*              Header for PWM module library functions               */

#if defined(__dsPIC30F__)
#include <p30fxxxx.h>
#elif defined(__dsPIC33F__)
#include <p33Fxxxx.h>
#error "This file is for 30F or 33F devices only!"

#ifndef __PWM12_H
#define __PWM12_H

#ifdef _PWM1IF

/* List of SFRs for PWM1 */
/* This list contains the SFRs with default (POR) values to be used for configuring PWM */
/* The user can modify this based on the requirement */

#define P1TCON_VALUE             0x0000
#define P1TMR_VALUE              0x0000
#define P1TPER_VALUE             0x0000
#define P1SECMP_VALUE	         0x0000

#define PWM1CON2_VALUE           0x0000
#define P1DTCON1_VALUE           0x0000
#define P1DTCON2_VALUE           0x0000
#define P1FLTACON_VALUE          0x0000
#define P1FLTBCON_VALUE          0x0000

#define P1DC1_VALUE              0x0000
#define P1DC2_VALUE              0x0000
#define P1DC3_VALUE              0x0000
#define P1DC4_VALUE              0x0000

#ifdef _FLTBIF

#define PWM1CON1_VALUE           0x00FF
#define P1OVDCON_VALUE           0xFF00


#define PWM1CON1_VALUE           0x0077
#define P1OVDCON_VALUE           0x3F00


/* P1TCON Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM1_EN                  0xA0FF  /*Module enable*/
#define PWM1_DIS                 0x20FF  /*Module disable*/

#define PWM1_IDLE_STOP           0xA0FF  /*stop in Idle mode*/
#define PWM1_IDLE_CON            0x80FF  /*operate in Idle mode*/

#define PWM1_OP_SCALE1           0xA00F  /*Out put post scaler 1:1*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE2           0xA01F  /*Out put post scaler 1:2*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE3           0xA02F  /*Out put post scaler 1:3*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE4           0xA03F  /*Out put post scaler 1:4*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE5           0xA04F  /*Out put post scaler 1:5*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE6           0xA05F  /*Out put post scaler 1:6*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE7           0xA06F  /*Out put post scaler 1:7*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE8           0xA07F  /*Out put post scaler 1:8*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE9           0xA08F  /*Out put post scaler 1:9*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE10          0xA09F  /*Out put post scaler 1:10*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE11          0xA0AF  /*Out put post scaler 1:11*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE12          0xA0BF  /*Out put post scaler 1:12*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE13          0xA0CF  /*Out put post scaler 1:13*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE14          0xA0DF  /*Out put post scaler 1:14*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE15          0xA0EF  /*Out put post scaler 1:15*/
#define PWM1_OP_SCALE16          0xA0FF  /*Out put post scaler 1:16*/

#define PWM1_IPCLK_SCALE1        0xA0F3  /*Input pre scaler 1:1*/
#define PWM1_IPCLK_SCALE4        0xA0F7  /*Input pre scaler 1:4*/
#define PWM1_IPCLK_SCALE16       0xA0FB  /*Input pre scaler 1:16*/
#define PWM1_IPCLK_SCALE64       0xA0FF  /*Input pre scaler 1:64*/

#define PWM1_MOD_FREE            0xA0FC  /*Mode of operation Free Running*/
#define PWM1_MOD_SING            0xA0FD  /*Mode of operation Single shot*/
#define PWM1_MOD_UPDN            0xA0FE  /*Mode of operation Up down */
#define PWM1_MOD_DBL             0xA0FF  /*Mode of operation Updown with double update*/

/* PWM1CON1 Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM1_MOD3_COMP           0x0BFF  /*3th channel in complimentary mode*/
#define PWM1_MOD2_COMP           0x0DFF  /*2th channel in complimentary mode*/
#define PWM1_MOD1_COMP           0x0EFF  /*1th channel in complimentary mode*/

#define PWM1_MOD3_IND            0x0FFF  /*3th channel in independant mode*/
#define PWM1_MOD2_IND            0x0FFF  /*2th channel in independant mode*/
#define PWM1_MOD1_IND            0x0FFF  /*1th channel in independant mode*/

#define PWM1_PEN3H               0x0FFF  /*H of channel 3 works as PWM*/
#define PWM1_PDIS3H              0x0FBF  /*H of channel 3 works as IO*/

#define PWM1_PEN2H               0x0FFF  /*H of channel 2 works as PWM*/
#define PWM1_PDIS2H              0x0FDF  /*H of channel 2 works as IO*/

#define PWM1_PEN1H               0x0FFF  /*H of channel 1 works as PWM*/
#define PWM1_PDIS1H              0x0FEF  /*H of channel 1 works as IO*/

#define PWM1_PEN3L               0x0FFF  /*L of channel 3 works as PWM*/
#define PWM1_PDIS3L              0x0FFB  /*L of channel 3 works as IO*/

#define PWM1_PEN2L               0x0FFF  /*L of channel 2 works as PWM*/
#define PWM1_PDIS2L              0x0FFD  /*L of channel 2 works as IO*/

#define PWM1_PEN1L               0x0FFF  /*L of channel 1 works as PWM*/
#define PWM1_PDIS1L              0x0FFE  /*L of channel 1 works as IO*/

/* PWM1CON2 Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM1_SEVOPS1             0x0003  /*Special event post scaler 1:1*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS2             0x0103  /*Special event post scaler 1:2*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS3             0x0203  /*Special event post scaler 1:3*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS4             0x0303  /*Special event post scaler 1:4*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS5             0x0403  /*Special event post scaler 1:5*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS6             0x0503  /*Special event post scaler 1:6*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS7             0x0603  /*Special event post scaler 1:7*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS8             0x0703  /*Special event post scaler 1:8*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS9             0x0803  /*Special event post scaler 1:9*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS10            0x0903  /*Special event post scaler 1:10*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS11            0x0A03  /*Special event post scaler 1:11*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS12            0x0B03  /*Special event post scaler 1:12*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS13            0x0C03  /*Special event post scaler 1:13*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS14            0x0D03  /*Special event post scaler 1:14*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS15            0x0E03  /*Special event post scaler 1:15*/
#define PWM1_SEVOPS16            0x0F03  /*Special event post scaler 1:16*/

#define PWM1_OSYNC_PWM           0x0F03  /*over ride syncronised with PWM clk*/
#define PWM1_OSYNC_TCY           0x0F01  /*over ride syncronised with sys clk*/

#define PWM1_UDIS                0x0F03  /*Update of PDCs and PTPER disabled*/
#define PWM1_UEN                 0x0F02  /*Update of PDCs and PTPER enabled*/

/* P1DTCON1 Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM1_DTBPS8              0xFFFF  /*Dead B time PreScaler = 8*/
#define PWM1_DTBPS4              0xBFFF  /*Dead B time PreScaler = 4*/
#define PWM1_DTBPS2              0x7FFF  /*Dead B time PreScaler = 2*/
#define PWM1_DTBPS1              0x3FFF  /*Dead B time PreScaler = 1*/
#define PWM1_DTAPS8              0xFFFF  /*Dead A time PreScaler = 8*/
#define PWM1_DTAPS4              0xFFBF  /*Dead A time PreScaler = 4*/
#define PWM1_DTAPS2              0xFF7F  /*Dead A time PreScaler = 2*/
#define PWM1_DTAPS1              0xFF3F  /*Dead A time PreScaler = 1*/

/* 6-bit dead time value bits for Dead Time Unit A */
#define PWM1_DTA0                0xFFC0  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA1                0xFFC1  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA2                0xFFC2  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA3                0xFFC3  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA4                0xFFC4  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA5                0xFFC5  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA6                0xFFC6  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA7                0xFFC7  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA8                0xFFC8  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA9                0xFFC9  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA10               0xFFCA  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA11               0xFFCB  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA12               0xFFCC  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA13               0xFFCD  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA14               0xFFCE  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA15               0xFFCF  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA16               0xFFD0  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA17               0xFFD1  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA18               0xFFD2  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA19               0xFFD3  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA20               0xFFD4  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA21               0xFFD5  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA22               0xFFD6  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA23               0xFFD7  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA24               0xFFD8  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA25               0xFFD9  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA26               0xFFDA  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA27               0xFFDB  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA28               0xFFDC  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA29               0xFFDD  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA30               0xFFDE  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA31               0xFFDF  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA32               0xFFE0  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA33               0xFFE1  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA34               0xFFE2  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA35               0xFFE3  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA36               0xFFE4  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA37               0xFFE5  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA38               0xFFE6  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA39               0xFFE7  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA40               0xFFE8  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA41               0xFFE9  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA42               0xFFEA  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA43               0xFFEB  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA44               0xFFEC  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA45               0xFFED  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA46               0xFFEE  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA47               0xFFEF  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA48               0xFFF0  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA49               0xFFF1  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA50               0xFFF2  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA51               0xFFF3  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA52               0xFFF4  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA53               0xFFF5  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA54               0xFFF6  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA55               0xFFF7  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA56               0xFFF8  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA57               0xFFF9  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA58               0xFFFA  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA59               0xFFFB  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA60               0xFFFC  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA61               0xFFFD  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA62               0xFFFE  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTA63               0xFFFF  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */

#define PWM1_DTB0                0xC0FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB1                0xC1FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB2                0xC2FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB3                0xC3FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB4                0xC4FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB5                0xC5FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB6                0xC6FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB7                0xC7FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB8                0xC8FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB9                0xC9FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB10               0xCAFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB11               0xCBFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB12               0xCCFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB13               0xCDFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB14               0xCEFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB15               0xCFFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB16               0xD0FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB17               0xD1FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB18               0xD2FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB19               0xD3FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB20               0xD4FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB21               0xD5FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB22               0xD6FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB23               0xD7FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB24               0xD8FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB25               0xD9FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB26               0xDAFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB27               0xDBFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB28               0xDCFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB29               0xDDFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB30               0xDEFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB31               0xDFFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB32               0xE0FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB33               0xE1FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB34               0xE2FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB35               0xE3FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB36               0xE4FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB37               0xE5FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB38               0xE6FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB39               0xE7FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB40               0xE8FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB41               0xE9FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB42               0xEAFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB43               0xEBFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB44               0xECFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB45               0xEDFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB46               0xEEFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB47               0xEFFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB48               0xF0FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB49               0xF1FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB50               0xF2FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB51               0xF3FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB52               0xF4FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB53               0xF5FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB54               0xF6FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB55               0xF7FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB56               0xF8FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB57               0xF9FF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB58               0xFAFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB59               0xFBFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB60               0xFCFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB61               0xFDFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB62               0xFEFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */
#define PWM1_DTB63               0xFFFF  /*Dead time Unit B PreScale select value */

/* P1DTCON2 Configuration Bit Definitions */
#define PWM1_DTS3A_UA            0x00DF  /*Dead time for channel 3 to get Active controlled by unit A*/
#define PWM1_DTS3I_UA            0x00EF  /*Dead time for channel 3 to get Inactive controlled by unit A*/                                              
#define PWM1_DTS2A_UA            0x00F7  /*Dead time for channel 2 to get Active controlled by unit A*/                                                  
#define PWM1_DTS2I_UA            0x00FB  /*Dead time for channel 2 to get Inactive controlled by unit A*/
#define PWM1_DTS1A_UA            0x00FD  /*Dead time for channel 1 to get Active controlled by unit A*/
#define PWM1_DTS1I_UA            0x00FE  /*Dead time for channel 1 to get Inactive controlled by unit A*/
#define PWM1_DTS3A_UB            0x00FF  /*Dead time for channel 3 to get Active controlled by unit B*/
#define PWM1_DTS3I_UB            0x00FF  /*Dead time for channel 3 to get Inactive controlled by unit B*/
#define PWM1_DTS2A_UB            0x00FF  /*Dead time for channel 2 to get Active controlled by unit B*/
#define PWM1_DTS2I_UB            0x00FF  /*Dead time for channel 2 to get Inactive controlled by unit B*/
#define PWM1_DTS1A_UB            0x00FF  /*Dead time for channel 1 to get Active controlled by unit B*/
#define PWM1_DTS1I_UB            0x00FF  /*Dead time for channel 1 to get Inactive controlled by unit B*/

/* P1OVDCON Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM1_GEN_3H              0xFFFF  /*controlled by the PWM generator.*/
#define PWM1_GEN_2H              0xFFFF  /*controlled by the PWM generator.*/
#define PWM1_GEN_1H              0xFFFF  /*controlled by the PWM generator.*/
#define PWM1_GEN_3L              0xFFFF  /*controlled by the PWM generator.*/
#define PWM1_GEN_2L              0xFFFF  /*controlled by the PWM generator.*/
#define PWM1_GEN_1L              0xFFFF  /*controlled by the PWM generator.*/

#define PWM1_POUT_3H             0xDFFF  /*controlled by the value in the corresponding POUT bit.*/
#define PWM1_POUT_3L             0xEFFF  /*controlled by the value in the corresponding POUT bit.*/
#define PWM1_POUT_2H             0xF7FF  /*controlled by the value in the corresponding POUT bit.*/
#define PWM1_POUT_2L             0xFBFF  /*controlled by the value in the corresponding POUT bit.*/
#define PWM1_POUT_1H             0xFDFF  /*controlled by the value in the corresponding POUT bit.*/
#define PWM1_POUT_1L             0xFEFF  /*controlled by the value in the corresponding POUT bit.*/
#define PWM1_POUT3H_ACT          0xFFFF  /*I/O pin is driven ACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM1_POUT3H_INACT        0xFFDF  /*I/O pin is driven INACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM1_POUT3L_ACT          0xFFFF  /*I/O pin is driven ACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM1_POUT3L_INACT        0xFFEF  /*I/O pin is driven INACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/

#define PWM1_POUT2H_ACT          0xFFFF  /*I/O pin is driven ACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM1_POUT2H_INACT        0xFFF7  /*I/O pin is driven INACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM1_POUT2L_ACT          0xFFFF   /*I/O pin is driven ACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM1_POUT2L_INACT        0xFFFB  /*I/O pin is driven INACTIVE when corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/

#define PWM1_POUT1H_ACT          0xFFFF  /*I/O pin is driven ACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM1_POUT1H_INACT        0xFFFD  /*I/O pin is driven INACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM1_POUT1L_ACT          0xFFFF   /*I/O pin is driven ACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM1_POUT1L_INACT        0xFFFE  /*I/O pin is driven INACTIVE when corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/

/* Enable/Disable PWM Interrupt */

#define PWM1_INT_EN              0xFFFF  /*Enable PWM interrupt*/
#define PWM1_INT_DIS             0xFFF7  /*Disable  PWM interrupt*/

/* Enable/Disable FaultA Interrupt */
#define PWM1_FLTA_EN_INT         0xFFFF  /*Enable Fault A Interrupt */
#define PWM1_FLTA_DIS_INT        0xFF7F  /*Disable Fault A Interrupt */

/* Setting the priority of PWM interrupt */
#define PWM1_INT_PR0             0xFFF8  /*period interrupt priority 0*/
#define PWM1_INT_PR1             0xFFF9  /*period interrupt priority 1*/
#define PWM1_INT_PR2             0xFFFA  /*period interrupt priority 2*/
#define PWM1_INT_PR3             0xFFFB  /*period interrupt priority 3*/
#define PWM1_INT_PR4             0xFFFC  /*period interrupt priority 4*/
#define PWM1_INT_PR5             0xFFFD  /*period interrupt priority 5*/
#define PWM1_INT_PR6             0xFFFE  /*period interrupt priority 6*/
#define PWM1_INT_PR7             0xFFFF  /*period interrupt priority 7*/

/* Setting the priority of PWM FaultA interrupt */

#define PWM1_FLTA_INT_PR0        0xFF8F  /* FaultA interrupt priority 0*/
#define PWM1_FLTA_INT_PR1        0xFF9F  /* FaultA interrupt priority 1*/
#define PWM1_FLTA_INT_PR2        0xFFAF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 2*/
#define PWM1_FLTA_INT_PR3        0xFFBF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 3*/
#define PWM1_FLTA_INT_PR4        0xFFCF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 4*/
#define PWM1_FLTA_INT_PR5        0xFFDF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 5*/
#define PWM1_FLTA_INT_PR6        0xFFEF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 6*/
#define PWM1_FLTA_INT_PR7        0xFFFF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 7*/

/* P1FLTACON Register */

#define PWM1_OVA3H_ACTIVE        0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA2H_ACTIVE        0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA1H_ACTIVE        0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA3L_ACTIVE        0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA2L_ACTIVE        0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA1L_ACTIVE        0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA3H_INACTIVE      0xDFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA2H_INACTIVE      0xF7FF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA1H_INACTIVE      0xFDFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA3L_INACTIVE      0xEFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA2L_INACTIVE      0xFBFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA1L_INACTIVE      0xFEFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/

#define PWM1_FLTA_MODE_CYCLE     0xFFFF  /* The Fault A input pin functions in the cycle-by-cycle limit mode.*/
#define PWM1_FLTA_MODE_LATCH     0xFF7F  /* The Fault A input pin latches all control pins to the programmed states.*/
#define PWM1_FLTA3_EN            0xFFFF  /* PWM1H3/PWM1L3 pin pair is controlled by Fault Input A.*/
#define PWM1_FLTA2_EN            0xFFFF  /* PWM1H2/PWM1L2 pin pair is controlled by Fault Input A.*/
#define PWM1_FLTA1_EN            0xFFFF  /* PWM1H1/PWM1L1 pin pair is controlled by Fault Input A.*/
#define PWM1_FLTA3_DIS           0xFFFB  /* PWM1H3/PWM1L3 pin pair is not controlled by Fault Input A.*/
#define PWM1_FLTA2_DIS           0xFFFD  /* PWM1H2/PWM1L2 pin pair is not controlled by Fault Input A.*/
#define PWM1_FLTA1_DIS           0xFFFE  /* PWM1H1/PWM1L1 pin pair is not controlled by Fault Input A.*/

/* Macros to  Enable/Disable interrupts and set Interrupt priority of PWM */

#define EnableIntMCPWM1                    _PWMIE = 1
#define DisableIntMCPWM1                   _PWMIE = 0
#define SetPriorityIntMCPWM1(priority)     _PWMIP = priority

#define EnableMCPWM1IntFLTA                     _FLTAIE = 1
#define DisableMCPWM1IntFLTA                    _FLTAIE = 0
#define SetPriorityMCPWM1IntFLTA(priority)      _FLTAIP = priority

void CloseMCPWM1(void) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void ConfigIntMCPWM1(unsigned int config) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void OpenMCPWM1(unsigned int period, unsigned int sptime,unsigned int
               config1, unsigned int config2, unsigned int config3) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void OverrideMCPWM1(unsigned int config) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void SetDCMCPWM1(unsigned int dutycyclereg, unsigned int dutycycle, 
                char updatedisable) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void SetMCPWM1DeadTimeGeneration(unsigned int config) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void SetMCPWM1FaultA(unsigned int config) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

/* Definitions for devices that have 4 PWM outputs and a Fault B input */

#ifdef _FLTBIF

/* PWM1CON1 Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM1_MOD4_COMP          0x07FF  /*4th channel in complimentary mode*/
#define PWM1_MOD4_IND           0x0FFF  /*4th channel in independant mode*/

#define PWM1_PEN4H              0x0FFF  /*H of channel 4 works as PWM*/
#define PWM1_PDIS4H             0x0F7F  /*H of channel 4 works as IO*/

#define PWM1_PEN4L              0x0FFF  /*L of channel 4 works as PWM*/
#define PWM1_PDIS4L             0x0FF7  /*L of channel 4 works as IO*/

/* DTCON2 Configuration Bit Definitions */
#define PWM1_DTS4A_UB           0x00FF  /*Dead time for channel 4 to get Active controlled by unit B*/
#define PWM1_DTS4I_UB           0x00FF  /*Dead time for channel 4 to get Inactive controlled by unit B*/
#define PWM1_DTS4A_UA           0x007F  /*Dead time for channel 4 to get Active controlled by unit A*/
#define PWM1_DTS4I_UA           0x00BF  /*Dead time for channel 4 to get Inactive controlled by unit A*/

/* OVDCON Configuration Bit Definitions */
#define PWM1_GEN_4H             0xFFFF  /*controlled by the PWM generator.*/
#define PWM1_GEN_4L             0xFFFF  /*controlled by the PWM generator.*/

#define PWM1_POUT_4H            0x7FFF  /*controlled by the value in the corresponding POUT bit.*/
#define PWM1_POUT_4L            0xBFFF  /*controlled by the value in the corresponding POUT bit.*/

#define PWM1_POUT4H_ACT         0xFFFF  /*I/O pin is driven ACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM1_POUT4H_INACT       0xFF7F  /*I/O pin is driven INACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/

#define PWM1_POUT4L_ACT         0xFFFF   /*I/O pin is driven ACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM1_POUT4L_INACT       0xFFBF  /*I/O pin is driven INACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/

/* FLTACON Register  */

#define PWM1_OVA4H_ACTIVE       0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA4L_ACTIVE       0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA4H_INACTIVE     0x7FFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVA4L_INACTIVE     0xBFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_FLTA4_EN           0xFFFF  /* PWM4H/PWM4L pin pair is controlled by Fault Input A.*/
#define PWM1_FLTA4_DIS          0xFFF7  /* PWM4H/PWM4L pin pair is not controlled by Fault Input A.*/

/* Enable/Disable FaultB Interrupt */
#define PWM1_FLTB_EN_INT        0xFFFF  /*Enable Fault B Interrupt */
#define PWM1_FLTB_DIS_INT       0xF7FF  /*Disable Fault B Interrupt */

/* Setting the priority of PWM FaultB interrupt */

#define PWM1_FLTB_INT_PR0       0xF8FF  /* FaultB interrupt priority 0*/
#define PWM1_FLTB_INT_PR1       0xF9FF  /* FaultB interrupt priority 1*/
#define PWM1_FLTB_INT_PR2       0xFAFF  /* FaultB interrupt priority 2*/
#define PWM1_FLTB_INT_PR3       0xFBFF  /* FaultB interrupt priority 3*/
#define PWM1_FLTB_INT_PR4       0xFCFF  /* FaultB interrupt priority 4*/
#define PWM1_FLTB_INT_PR5       0xFDFF  /* FaultB interrupt priority 5*/
#define PWM1_FLTB_INT_PR6       0xFEFF  /* FaultB interrupt priority 6*/
#define PWM1_FLTB_INT_PR7       0xFFFF  /* FaultB interrupt priority 7*/

/* FLTBCON Register  */
#define PWM1_OVB4H_ACTIVE       0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB4L_ACTIVE       0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB3H_ACTIVE       0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB2H_ACTIVE       0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB1H_ACTIVE       0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB3L_ACTIVE       0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB2L_ACTIVE       0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB1L_ACTIVE       0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB4H_INACTIVE     0x7FFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB3H_INACTIVE     0xDFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB2H_INACTIVE     0xF7FF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB1H_INACTIVE     0xFDFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB4L_INACTIVE     0xBFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB3L_INACTIVE     0xEFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB2L_INACTIVE     0xFBFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_OVB1L_INACTIVE     0xFEFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/
#define PWM1_FLTB_MODE_CYCLE    0xFFFF  /* The Fault B input pin functions in the cycle-by-cycle limit mode.*/
#define PWM1_FLTB_MODE_LATCH    0xFF7F  /* The Fault B input pin latches all control pins to the programmed states.*/

#define PWM1_FLTB4_EN           0xFFFF  /* PWM4H/PWM4L pin pair is controlled by Fault Input B.*/
#define PWM1_FLTB3_EN           0xFFFF  /* PWM3H/PWM3L pin pair is controlled by Fault Input B.*/
#define PWM1_FLTB2_EN           0xFFFF  /* PWM2H/PWM2L pin pair is controlled by Fault Input B.*/
#define PWM1_FLTB1_EN           0xFFFF  /* PWM1H/PWM1L pin pair is controlled by Fault Input B.*/
#define PWM1_FLTB4_DIS          0xFFF7  /* PWM4H/PWM4L pin pair is not controlled by Fault Input B.*/
#define PWM1_FLTB3_DIS          0xFFFB  /* PWM3H/PWM3L pin pair is not controlled by Fault Input B.*/
#define PWM1_FLTB2_DIS          0xFFFD  /* PWM2H/PWM2L pin pair is not controlled by Fault Input B.*/
#define PWM1_FLTB1_DIS          0xFFFE  /* PWM1H/PWM1L pin pair is not controlled by Fault Input B.*/

#define EnableMCPWM1IntFLTB                    _FLTBIE = 1
#define DisableMCPWM1IntFLTB                   _FLTBIE = 0
#define SetPriorityMCPWM1IntFLTB(priority)     _FLTBIP = priority

void SetMCPWM1DeadTimeAssignment(unsigned int config) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void SetMCPWM1FaultB(unsigned int config) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));


//#else		// modif Lubin
#endif 		// #ifdef _PWM1IF line 17
#ifdef _PWM2IF

/* MCPWM2 macros start here */

/* List of SFRs for PWM2 */
/* This list contains the SFRs with default (POR) values to be used for configuring PWM */
/* The user can modify this based on the requirement */

#define P2TCON_VALUE             0x0000
#define P2TMR_VALUE              0x0000
#define P2TPER_VALUE             0x0000
#define P2SECMP_VALUE	         0x0000

#define PWM2CON1_VALUE           0x0077
#define PWM2CON2_VALUE           0x0000

#define P2DTCON1_VALUE           0x0000
#define P2DTCON2_VALUE           0x0000

#define P2FLTACON_VALUE          0x0000

#define P2OVDCON_VALUE           0x3F00

#define P2DC1_VALUE              0x0000

/* P2TCON Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM2_EN                  0xA0FF  /*Module enable*/
#define PWM2_DIS                 0x20FF  /*Module disable*/

#define PWM2_IDLE_STOP           0xA0FF  /*stop in Idle mode*/
#define PWM2_IDLE_CON            0x80FF  /*operate in Idle mode*/

#define PWM2_OP_SCALE1           0xA00F  /*Out put post scaler 1:1*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE2           0xA01F  /*Out put post scaler 1:2*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE3           0xA02F  /*Out put post scaler 1:3*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE4           0xA03F  /*Out put post scaler 1:4*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE5           0xA04F  /*Out put post scaler 1:5*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE6           0xA05F  /*Out put post scaler 1:6*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE7           0xA06F  /*Out put post scaler 1:7*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE8           0xA07F  /*Out put post scaler 1:8*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE9           0xA08F  /*Out put post scaler 1:9*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE10          0xA09F  /*Out put post scaler 1:10*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE11          0xA0AF  /*Out put post scaler 1:11*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE12          0xA0BF  /*Out put post scaler 1:12*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE13          0xA0CF  /*Out put post scaler 1:13*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE14          0xA0DF  /*Out put post scaler 1:14*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE15          0xA0EF  /*Out put post scaler 1:15*/
#define PWM2_OP_SCALE16          0xA0FF  /*Out put post scaler 1:16*/

#define PWM2_IPCLK_SCALE1        0xA0F3  /*Input pre scaler 1:1*/
#define PWM2_IPCLK_SCALE4        0xA0F7  /*Input pre scaler 1:4*/
#define PWM2_IPCLK_SCALE16       0xA0FB  /*Input pre scaler 1:16*/
#define PWM2_IPCLK_SCALE64       0xA0FF  /*Input pre scaler 1:64*/

#define PWM2_MOD_FREE            0xA0FC  /*Mode of operation Free Running*/
#define PWM2_MOD_SING            0xA0FD  /*Mode of operation Single shot*/
#define PWM2_MOD_UPDN            0xA0FE  /*Mode of operation Up down */
#define PWM2_MOD_DBL             0xA0FF  /*Mode of operation Updown with double update*/

/* PWM2CON1 Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM2_MOD1_COMP           0x0EFF  /*1st channel in complimentary mode*/
#define PWM2_MOD1_IND            0x0FFF  /*1st channel in independant mode*/

#define PWM2_PEN1H               0x0FFF  /*H of channel 1 works as PWM*/
#define PWM2_PDIS1H              0x0FEF  /*H of channel 1 works as IO*/

#define PWM2_PEN1L               0x0FFF  /*L of channel 1 works as PWM*/
#define PWM2_PDIS1L              0x0FFE  /*L of channel 1 works as IO*/

/* PWM2CON2 Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM2_SEVOPS1             0x0003  /*Special event post scaler 1:1*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS2             0x0103  /*Special event post scaler 1:2*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS3             0x0203  /*Special event post scaler 1:3*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS4             0x0303  /*Special event post scaler 1:4*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS5             0x0403  /*Special event post scaler 1:5*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS6             0x0503  /*Special event post scaler 1:6*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS7             0x0603  /*Special event post scaler 1:7*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS8             0x0703  /*Special event post scaler 1:8*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS9             0x0803  /*Special event post scaler 1:9*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS10            0x0903  /*Special event post scaler 1:10*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS11            0x0A03  /*Special event post scaler 1:11*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS12            0x0B03  /*Special event post scaler 1:12*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS13            0x0C03  /*Special event post scaler 1:13*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS14            0x0D03  /*Special event post scaler 1:14*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS15            0x0E03  /*Special event post scaler 1:15*/
#define PWM2_SEVOPS16            0x0F03  /*Special event post scaler 1:16*/

#define PWM2_OSYNC_PWM           0x0F03  /*over ride syncronised with PWM clk*/
#define PWM2_OSYNC_TCY           0x0F01  /*over ride syncronised with sys clk*/

#define PWM2_UDIS                0x0F03  /*Update of PDCs and PTPER disabled*/
#define PWM2_UEN                 0x0F02  /*Update of PDCs and PTPER enabled*/

/* P2DTCON1 Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM2_DTAPS8              0xFFFF  /*Dead A time PreScaler = 8*/
#define PWM2_DTAPS4              0xFFBF  /*Dead A time PreScaler = 4*/
#define PWM2_DTAPS2              0xFF7F  /*Dead A time PreScaler = 2*/
#define PWM2_DTAPS1              0xFF3F  /*Dead A time PreScaler = 1*/

/* 6-bit dead time value bits for Dead Time Unit A */
#define PWM2_DTA0                0xFFC0  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA1                0xFFC1  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA2                0xFFC2  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA3                0xFFC3  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA4                0xFFC4  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA5                0xFFC5  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA6                0xFFC6  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA7                0xFFC7  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA8                0xFFC8  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA9                0xFFC9  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA10               0xFFCA  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA11               0xFFCB  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA12               0xFFCC  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA13               0xFFCD  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA14               0xFFCE  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA15               0xFFCF  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA16               0xFFD0  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA17               0xFFD1  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA18               0xFFD2  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA19               0xFFD3  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA20               0xFFD4  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA21               0xFFD5  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA22               0xFFD6  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA23               0xFFD7  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA24               0xFFD8  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA25               0xFFD9  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA26               0xFFDA  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA27               0xFFDB  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA28               0xFFDC  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA29               0xFFDD  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA30               0xFFDE  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA31               0xFFDF  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA32               0xFFE0  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA33               0xFFE1  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA34               0xFFE2  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA35               0xFFE3  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA36               0xFFE4  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA37               0xFFE5  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA38               0xFFE6  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA39               0xFFE7  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA40               0xFFE8  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA41               0xFFE9  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA42               0xFFEA  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA43               0xFFEB  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA44               0xFFEC  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA45               0xFFED  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA46               0xFFEE  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA47               0xFFEF  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA48               0xFFF0  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA49               0xFFF1  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA50               0xFFF2  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA51               0xFFF3  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA52               0xFFF4  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA53               0xFFF5  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA54               0xFFF6  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA55               0xFFF7  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA56               0xFFF8  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA57               0xFFF9  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA58               0xFFFA  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA59               0xFFFB  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA60               0xFFFC  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA61               0xFFFD  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA62               0xFFFE  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */
#define PWM2_DTA63               0xFFFF  /*Dead time Unit A PreScale select value */

/* P2DTCON2 Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM2_DTS1A_UA            0x00FD  /*Dead time for channel 1 to get Active controlled by unit A*/
#define PWM2_DTS1I_UA            0x00FE  /*Dead time for channel 1 to get Inactive controlled by unit A*/

#define PWM2_DTS1A_UB            0x00FF  /*Dead time for channel 1 to get Active controlled by unit B*/
#define PWM2_DTS1I_UB            0x00FF  /*Dead time for channel 1 to get Inactive controlled by unit B*/

/* P2OVDCON Configuration Bit Definitions */

#define PWM2_GEN_1H              0xFFFF  /*controlled by the PWM generator.*/
#define PWM2_GEN_1L              0xFFFF  /*controlled by the PWM generator.*/

#define PWM2_POUT_1H             0xFDFF  /*controlled by the value in the corresponding POUT bit.*/
#define PWM2_POUT_1L             0xFEFF  /*controlled by the value in the corresponding POUT bit.*/

#define PWM2_POUT1H_ACT          0xFFFF  /*I/O pin is driven ACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM2_POUT1H_INACT        0xFFFD  /*I/O pin is driven INACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM2_POUT1L_ACT          0xFFFF   /*I/O pin is driven ACTIVE when the corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/
#define PWM2_POUT1L_INACT        0xFFFE  /*I/O pin is driven INACTIVE when corresponding POVDxx bit is cleared.*/

/* Enable/Disable PWM Interrupt */

#define PWM2_INT_EN              0xFFFF  /*Enable PWM interrupt*/
#define PWM2_INT_DIS             0xFFF7  /*Disable  PWM interrupt*/

/* Enable/Disable FaultA Interrupt */

#define PWM2_FLTA_EN_INT         0xFFFF  /*Enable Fault A Interrupt */
#define PWM2_FLTA_DIS_INT        0xFF7F  /*Disable Fault A Interrupt */

/* Setting the priority of PWM interrupt */
#define PWM2_INT_PR0             0xFFF8  /*period interrupt priority 0*/
#define PWM2_INT_PR1             0xFFF9  /*period interrupt priority 1*/
#define PWM2_INT_PR2             0xFFFA  /*period interrupt priority 2*/
#define PWM2_INT_PR3             0xFFFB  /*period interrupt priority 3*/
#define PWM2_INT_PR4             0xFFFC  /*period interrupt priority 4*/
#define PWM2_INT_PR5             0xFFFD  /*period interrupt priority 5*/
#define PWM2_INT_PR6             0xFFFE  /*period interrupt priority 6*/
#define PWM2_INT_PR7             0xFFFF  /*period interrupt priority 7*/

/* Setting the priority of PWM FaultA interrupt */

#define PWM2_FLTA_INT_PR0        0xFF8F  /* FaultA interrupt priority 0*/
#define PWM2_FLTA_INT_PR1        0xFF9F  /* FaultA interrupt priority 1*/
#define PWM2_FLTA_INT_PR2        0xFFAF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 2*/
#define PWM2_FLTA_INT_PR3        0xFFBF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 3*/
#define PWM2_FLTA_INT_PR4        0xFFCF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 4*/
#define PWM2_FLTA_INT_PR5        0xFFDF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 5*/
#define PWM2_FLTA_INT_PR6        0xFFEF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 6*/
#define PWM2_FLTA_INT_PR7        0xFFFF  /* FaultA interrupt priority 7*/

/* P2FLTACON Register */

#define PWM2_OVA1H_ACTIVE        0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/

#define PWM2_OVA1L_ACTIVE        0xFFFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven ACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/

#define PWM2_OVA1H_INACTIVE      0xFDFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/

#define PWM2_OVA1L_INACTIVE      0xFEFF  /*The PWM output pin is driven INACTIVE on an external fault input event.*/

#define PWM2_FLTA_MODE_CYCLE     0xFFFF  /* The Fault A input pin functions in the cycle-by-cycle limit mode.*/
#define PWM2_FLTA_MODE_LATCH     0xFF7F  /* The Fault A input pin latches all control pins to the programmed states.*/

#define PWM2_FLTA1_EN            0xFFFF  /* PWM2H1/PWM2L1 pin pair is controlled by Fault Input A.*/

#define PWM2_FLTA1_DIS           0xFFFE  /* PWM2H1/PWM2L1 pin pair is not controlled by Fault Input A.*/

/* Macros to  Enable/Disable interrupts and set Interrupt priority of PWM */

#define EnableIntMCPWM2                    _PWM2IE = 1
#define DisableIntMCPWM2                   _PWM2IE = 0
#define SetPriorityIntMCPWM2(priority)     _PWM2IP = priority

#define EnableMCPWM2IntFLTA                     _FLTA2IE = 1
#define DisableMCPWM2IntFLTA                    _FLTA2IE = 0
#define SetPriorityMCPWM2IntFLTA(priority)      _FLTA2IP = priority

void CloseMCPWM2(void) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void ConfigIntMCPWM2(unsigned int config) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void OpenMCPWM2(unsigned int period, unsigned int sptime,unsigned int
               config1, unsigned int config2, unsigned int config3) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void OverrideMCPWM2(unsigned int config) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void SetDCMCPWM2(unsigned int dutycycle, 
                char updatedisable) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void SetMCPWM2DeadTimeGeneration(unsigned int config) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));

void SetMCPWM2FaultA(unsigned int config) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));


/* MCPWM2 macros end here */

Will look at problem 2, about the unique PWM variable instead of PWM1 and PWM2 !


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Re: PWM module 1 and 2

Post by LubinKerhuel » Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:21 am

Bobes wrote:could you make them PWMn: PWM1 and PWM2?
will be PWM and PWM2 ( for backward compatibility)

Will be updated with the next blockset version (following V3.4b).

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Re: PWM module 1 and 2

Post by Bobes » Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:49 pm

ok, thanks, I see I should update my compiler, I think I have still the version that I have installed about a year and half ago

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