The autopilot can be compiled using the blockset (with a demo version allowing only 8 I/O, 2 I/O should be removed first for testing the compilation process)
I get into a mail exchange with Mariano and another team. I rewrite here few tricks to compile successfully the SLUG autopilot with the most recent compiler and blockset version.
Sources downloaded from git at
Revert the git repository to a former stable and working version (From mariano, : git checkout 13d8c62a7d2)
(Problem with missing navlink.h with head SLUG version (November 2010) )
I tested with the following configuration :
MATLAB 2010a (0x64)
dsPIC blockset V3.3a
dsPIC30, Microchip v3_25
I get a error as shown in the compilation report:
Code: Select all
PPNumber of I/O PINs used : 8
TPTPTTPNumber of I/O PINs used : 8
TPNumber of I/O PINs used : 8
TTTWarning: Could not find an exact (case-sensitive) match for 'dsPIC_PWM_Motor_callback_InitMask'.
C:\Mes_doccuments_Maison\prog\Matlab2\RTWdsPIC\blocks\dsPIC_PWM_motor_callback_InitMask.m is a case-insensitive
match and will be used instead.
You can improve the performance of your code by using exact
name matches and we therefore recommend that you update your
usage accordingly. Alternatively, you can disable this warning using
This warning will become an error in future releases.
PTPTPTTPNumber of I/O PINs used : 8
TPTWarning: Input port 1 of 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Trim Vals/Log Trims Using PWM High [groundStationDriver.c]/Report
Airspeed' is not connected.
Warning: Output port 1 of 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM Commands and Send Telemetry/[dR dE dA dT]2' is not
Warning: Output port 1 of 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM Commands and Send Telemetry/[dR dE dA dT]3' is not
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Compute psi_dot_m/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using the
run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane
of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output
Feedback Controller With Projection Operator/Control Law/Compute Coef/-T'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With Projection Operator/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With Projection Operator/Protect NaNs2/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using the
run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane
of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output
Feedback Controller With Projection Operator/State Predictor/Compute Coef/-T'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics
pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1
Output Feedback Controller With Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics
pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1
Output Feedback Controller With Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics
pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1
Output Feedback Controller With Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics
pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1
Output Feedback Controller With Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Angle Conversion/Unit Conversion'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Angle Conversion2/Unit Conversion'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Bank to Psi Dot/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Bank to Psi Dot/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Bank to Psi Dot/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/High Pass (Washout) Filter/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/High Pass (Washout) Filter/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/High Pass (Washout) Filter/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Protect NaNs2/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Protect NaNs3/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control [PID]/Gain'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs /Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control [PID]/delayTime'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Sideslip Compensation/Bank to Psi Dot/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Sideslip Compensation/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Sideslip Compensation/Low Pass/Compute Coef/-T'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Sideslip Compensation/Protect NaNs2/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Sideslip Compensation/psi_dot to Bank/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Switch'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Switch2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper [PID]/Gain'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs /Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper [PID]/delayTime'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Lateral Channel/psi_dot to Bank/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Air Density from Height/Constant 2 from Model'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Air Density from Height/Length Conversion/Unit Conversion'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Air Density from Height/Rho_0 (Kg//m^3)'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold [PID]/Gain'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs /Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold [PID]/delayTime'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Compute Airspeed/[ 0.01 50000]'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error to Pitch Command [PI]/Gain'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs /Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To Elevator [PID]/Gain'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs /Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To Elevator [PID]/delayTime'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Protect NaNs2/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Protect NaNs3/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Protect NaNs4/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Schedule LPF'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Switch'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute Lateral Error/Subsystem3/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute P/Compute T in Frenet/Normalize Vector/Zero Bound'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute P/Geod2LTP1/ECEF2LTP (UEN)/Deg2R'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute P/Geod2LTP1/Geod2ECEF1/Deg2R'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute P/Geod2LTP1/Geod2ECEF1/Deg2R1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute P/Geod2LTP1/Geod2ECEF1/eccentricity^2/Rp=polar radius'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute P/Get Circles/Compute delta Left Turn/Constant5'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute P/Get Circles/Constant5'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute P/Get Circles/compute delta Right Turn/Constant5'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Grab IC/Compute GS Location/Geod2ECEF1/Deg2R'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Grab IC/Compute GS Location/Geod2ECEF1/Deg2R1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Grab IC/Compute GS Location/Geod2ECEF1/eccentricity^2/Rp=polar radius'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Switch when in Line Segment/1st WP'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Switch when in Line Segment/Compute Projection/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Switch when in Line Segment/Compute Total Run/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute Frenet/Compute Frenet/Normalize Vector/Zero Bound'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute Frenet/Compute Frenet/Normalize Vector /Zero Bound'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute Frenet/Geod2LTP1/ECEF2LTP (UEN)/Deg2R'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute Frenet/Geod2LTP1/Geod2ECEF1/Deg2R'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute Frenet/Geod2LTP1/Geod2ECEF1/Deg2R1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute Frenet/Geod2LTP1/Geod2ECEF1/eccentricity^2/Rp=polar radius'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute Frenet/Geod2LTP2/ECEF2LTP (UEN)/Deg2R'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute Frenet/Geod2LTP2/Geod2ECEF1/Deg2R'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute Frenet/Geod2LTP2/Geod2ECEF1/Deg2R1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute Frenet/Geod2LTP2/Geod2ECEF1/eccentricity^2/Rp=polar radius'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute Frenet/Switch'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Park, Deyst & How Lat Accel Cmd/Compute Eta/Subsystem6/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'UpperLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Park, Deyst & How Lat Accel Cmd/Compute Eta/Subsystem6/[-1,1]'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Park, Deyst & How Lat Accel Cmd/Compute Eta/Subsystem6/[-1,1]'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Park, Deyst & How Lat Accel Cmd/GainSchedule L2 and Get Groundspeed/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/Park, Deyst & How Lat Accel Cmd/Park's Lateral Accel Command/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Navigation/as_c to phi_c/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop//
Navigation/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Trim
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Trim
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Trim
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM
Commands and Send Telemetry/Generate PWM Signals Based on the Control Type/If Control Type Is Selective
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM
Commands and Send Telemetry/Generate PWM Signals Based on the Control Type/If Control Type Is Selective
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM
Commands and Send Telemetry/Generate PWM Signals Based on the Control Type/If Control Type Is Selective
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM
Commands and Send Telemetry/Generate PWM Signals Based on the Control Type/If Control Type Is Selective
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly using
the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/get Nav
Vars/Angle Conversion/Unit Conversion'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'UpperLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/get Nav
Vars/Direction Cosine Matrix to Euler Angles/Subsystem3/[-1,1]'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be represented exactly
using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/get Nav
Vars/Direction Cosine Matrix to Euler Angles/Subsystem3/[-1,1]'.
### Invoking Target Language Compiler on controlMCUSlugsMKII.rtw
### Using System Target File: C:\Mes_doccuments_Maison\prog\Matlab2\RTWdsPIC\dspic\dspic.tlc
### Loading TLC function libraries
### Initial pass through model to cache user defined code
### Caching model source code
### Writing main
### Writing source file controlMCUSlugsMKII.c
### Writing header file controlMCUSlugsMKII_private.h
### Writing header file controlMCUSlugsMKII.h
### Writing header file controlMCUSlugsMKII_types.h
### Writing header file rtwtypes.h
### Writing header file rt_MAXf_snf.h
### Writing header file rt_zcfcn.h
### Writing source file rt_zcfcn.c
### Writing header file rt_nonfinite.h
### Writing source file rt_nonfinite.c
### Writing header file rt_SATURATE.h
### Writing header file rt_SIGNf_snf.h
### Writing header file rtGetInf.h
### Writing source file rtGetInf.c
### Writing header file rtGetNaN.h
### Writing source file rtGetNaN.c
### Writing source file controlMCUSlugsMKII_data.c
### Writing header file autobuild.h
### Writing source file controlMCUSlugsMKII_main.c
### TLC code generation complete.
### Creating HTML report file controlMCUSlugsMKII_codegen_rpt.html
.### Creating project marker file: rtw_proj.tmw
### Evaluating PostCodeGenCommand specified in the model
Embedded Coder for dsPIC V&&Version&&(&& Date &&) for Matlab && Release &&.
Licence Accorded to && Licence Name &&
&& Mailcontact &&
&& Companie &&
&& CompanieAddress1 &&
&& CompanieAddress2 &&
&& CompanieAddress3 &&
&& CompanieAddress4 &&
Facturation to : && BuyerName &&
&& MailBuyer &&
&& BuyerAddress1 &&
&& BuyerAddress2 &&
&& BuyerAddress3 &&
&& BuyerAddress4 &&
Check updates and new informations at :
### Processing Template Makefile: C:\Mes_doccuments_Maison\prog\Matlab2\RTWdsPIC\dspic\dspic_pic30_gcc.tmf
-- Bypassing matlab internal LCC configuration --
### Creating from C:\Mes_doccuments_Maison\prog\Matlab2\RTWdsPIC\dspic\dspic_pic30_gcc.tmf
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/DEE.c
''pic30-gcc -c C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/DEES.s -Wa,-p=33fJ256MC710,-g
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/apUtils.c
C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/apUtils.c:852:7: warning: no newline at end of file
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/circBuffer.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include controlMCUSlugsMKII_data.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include controlMCUSlugsMKII_main.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c: In function '_IC2Interrupt':
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c:11: warning: PSV model not specified for '_IC2Interrupt';
assuming 'auto_psv' this may affect latency
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c: In function '_IC3Interrupt':
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c:32: warning: PSV model not specified for '_IC3Interrupt';
assuming 'auto_psv' this may affect latency
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c: In function '_IC4Interrupt':
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c:53: warning: PSV model not specified for '_IC4Interrupt';
assuming 'auto_psv' this may affect latency
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c: In function '_IC5Interrupt':
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c:74: warning: PSV model not specified for '_IC5Interrupt';
assuming 'auto_psv' this may affect latency
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c: In function '_IC8Interrupt':
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c:95: warning: PSV model not specified for '_IC8Interrupt';
assuming 'auto_psv' this may affect latency
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/groundStationDriver.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/interProcCommSlave.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/navSupport.c
C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/navSupport.c:211:2: warning: no newline at end of file
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/protDecoder.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include rtGetInf.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include rtGetNaN.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include rt_nonfinite.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include rt_zcfcn.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/sbrk.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include controlMCUSlugsMKII.c
''pic30-ld -t --report-mem -Map ../ --heap 0 -cref -T C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\support\dsPIC33F\gld\p33fJ256MC710.gld -o ..\../controlMCUSlugsMKII.cof DEE.o DEES.o apUtils.o circBuffer.o controlMCUSlugsMKII_data.o controlMCUSlugsMKII_main.o dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.o groundStationDriver.o interProcCommSlave.o navSupport.o protDecoder.o rtGetInf.o rtGetNaN.o rt_nonfinite.o rt_zcfcn.o sbrk.o controlMCUSlugsMKII.o C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\lib\libpic30-coff.a C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\lib\dsPIC33F\libp33fJ256MC710-coff.a C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\lib\libc-coff.a C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\lib\libm-coff.a
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\mplabc30\v3.25\bin\bin/pic30-coff-ld.exe: mode pic30_coff
Program Memory [Origin = 0x200, Length = 0x2aa00]
section address length (PC units) length (bytes) (dec)
------- ------- ----------------- --------------------
.text 0x200 0x296e 0x3e25 (15909)
.text 0x2b6e 0x8c 0xd2 (210)
.isr 0x2bfa 0x2 0x3 (3)
_036e5a804ce95ae1 0x2c00 0x1000 0x1800 (6144)
.const 0x3c00 0x94 0xde (222)
.text 0x3c94 0x6012 0x901b (36891)
.dinit 0x9ca6 0x1da 0x2c7 (711)
.text 0x9e80 0x3be 0x59d (1437)
.text 0xa23e 0x8e 0xd5 (213)
Total program memory used (bytes): 0xf12c (61740) 23%
Data Memory [Origin = 0x800, Length = 0x7800]
section address alignment gaps total length (dec)
------- ------- -------------- -------------------
.nbss 0x800 0 0x174e (5966)
.ndata 0x1f4e 0 0x56 (86)
.nbss 0x1fa4 0 0x2c (44)
.ndata 0x1fd0 0 0x4 (4)
.nbss 0x1fd4 0 0x4 (4)
.ndata 0x1fd8 0 0x4 (4)
.nbss 0x1fdc 0 0x2 (2)
.data 0x1fde 0 0x48 (72)
.dconst 0x2026 0 0x32 (50)
.data 0x2058 0 0x34 (52)
.dconst 0x208c 0 0x8 (8)
.bss 0x2094 0 0x2 (2)
.data 0x2096 0 0x2 (2)
.dconst 0x2098 0 0x2 (2)
.data 0x209a 0 0x2 (2)
_0299ea804ce95aea 0x7f32 0 0xce (206)
Total data memory used (bytes): 0x196a (6506) 21%
Dynamic Memory Usage
region address maximum length (dec)
------ ------- ---------------------
heap 0 0 (0)
stack 0x209c 0x5e96 (24214)
Maximum dynamic memory (bytes): 0x5e96 (24214)
sbrk.o(.libc+0x4):C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib\sbrk.c: Link Error: Cannot access symbol (___curbrk) with file register addressing. Value must be less than 8192. Suggest large-data model.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\mplabc30\v3.25\bin\bin/pic30-coff-ld.exe: link errors found, deleting executable `..\../controlMCUSlugsMKII.cof'
gmake: *** [..\../controlMCUSlugsMKII.cof] Error 255
### Real-Time Workshop build procedure for model: 'controlMCUSlugsMKII' aborted due to an error.
The project can be opened within MPLAB (the blockset creates an MPLAB project file from version 3.3). Right click on the mcp file within the MATLAB file browser, and select open outside MATLAB ==> it will open MPLAB.
MPLAB will allow changing graphically the compilation options and to play with...
Thus, in the compilation options of MPLAB C30 choose large data model and re-compile the project (within MPLAB).
It works successfully.
Let’s integrate the new compilation options.
The problem could directly be solved within matlab:
In the opened model, choose
Simulation ==> Configuration Parameters ==>
In the tab Real-Time Workshop ==> DsPIC options, add -mlarge-data to the optimisation parameter (OPTIM_GCC). The line should now be : -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data
(Mariano provided the same trick by mail)
Generating C and compiling the model within Simulink is now Ok.
The finale report becomes:
Code: Select all
PTTPTPTPNumber of I/O PINs used : 8
TTPTPTWarning: Input port 1 of 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Trim Vals/Log Trims Using PWM High
[groundStationDriver.c]/Report Airspeed' is not connected.
Warning: Output port 1 of 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM Commands and Send Telemetry/[dR dE dA
dT]2' is not connected.
Warning: Output port 1 of 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM Commands and Send Telemetry/[dR dE dA
dT]3' is not connected.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can
control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Compute psi_dot_m/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented
exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control
this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated
from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With Projection
Operator/Control Law/Compute Coef/-T'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can
control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With
Projection Operator/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can
control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With
Projection Operator/Protect NaNs2/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be represented
exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control
this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated
from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With Projection
Operator/State Predictor/Compute Coef/-T'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can
control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With
Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can
control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With
Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can
control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With
Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can
control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With
Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can
control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With
Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can
control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With
Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can
control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/L1 Output Feedback Controller With
Projection Operator/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Angle
Conversion/Unit Conversion'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Angle
Conversion2/Unit Conversion'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Bank to Psi
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Bank to Psi
Dot/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Bank to Psi
Dot/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/High Pass (Washout)
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/High Pass (Washout)
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/High Pass (Washout)
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs /Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Roll Control
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Sideslip
Compensation/Bank to Psi Dot/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Sideslip
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Sideslip
Compensation/Low Pass/Compute Coef/-T'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Sideslip
Compensation/Protect NaNs2/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Sideslip
Compensation/psi_dot to Bank/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Switch'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Switch2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs /Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/Yaw Damper
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Lateral Channel/psi_dot to
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Air Density
from Height/Constant 2 from Model'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Air Density
from Height/Length Conversion/Unit Conversion'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Air Density
from Height/Rho_0 (Kg//m^3)'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs /Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold
[PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Airspeed Hold
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Compute
Airspeed/[ 0.01 50000]'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error
to Pitch Command [PI]/Gain'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error
to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error
to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error
to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error
to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error
to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error
to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs /Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Height Error
to Pitch Command [PI]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To
Elevator [PID]/Gain'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To
Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To
Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To
Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To
Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Constant3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To
Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs /Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To
Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Protect NaNs1/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To
Elevator [PID]/Trapezoidal Integrator/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Pitch To
Elevator [PID]/delayTime'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Schedule LPF'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Longitudinal Channel/Switch'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute Lateral
Error/Subsystem3/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute
P/Compute T in Frenet/Normalize Vector/Zero Bound'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute
P/Geod2LTP1/ECEF2LTP (UEN)/Deg2R'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute
P/Geod2LTP1/Geod2ECEF1/eccentricity^2/Rp=polar radius'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute
P/Get Circles/Compute delta Left Turn/Constant5'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute
P/Get Circles/Constant5'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Compute
P/Get Circles/compute delta Right Turn/Constant5'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Grab
IC/Compute GS Location/Geod2ECEF1/Deg2R'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Grab
IC/Compute GS Location/Geod2ECEF1/Deg2R1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Grab
IC/Compute GS Location/Geod2ECEF1/eccentricity^2/Rp=polar radius'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Switch
when in Line Segment/1st WP'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Switch
when in Line Segment/Compute Projection/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Compute WP Index/Switch
when in Line Segment/Compute Total Run/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute
Frenet/Compute Frenet/Normalize Vector/Zero Bound'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute
Frenet/Compute Frenet/Normalize Vector /Zero Bound'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute
Frenet/Geod2LTP1/ECEF2LTP (UEN)/Deg2R'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute
Frenet/Geod2LTP1/Geod2ECEF1/eccentricity^2/Rp=polar radius'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute
Frenet/Geod2LTP2/ECEF2LTP (UEN)/Deg2R'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute
Frenet/Geod2LTP2/Geod2ECEF1/eccentricity^2/Rp=polar radius'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Get Wps Compute
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Value'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Gravity'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Park, Deyst & How Lat
Accel Cmd/Compute Eta/Subsystem6/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'UpperLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Park, Deyst & How Lat
Accel Cmd/Compute Eta/Subsystem6/[-1,1]'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Park, Deyst & How Lat
Accel Cmd/Compute Eta/Subsystem6/[-1,1]'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Park, Deyst & How Lat
Accel Cmd/GainSchedule L2 and Get Groundspeed/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/Park, Deyst & How Lat
Accel Cmd/Park's Lateral Accel Command/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Navigation/as_c to phi_c/Protect
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Inner Loop// Navigation/Protect NaNs/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Trim Vals/Gain1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Trim Vals/Gain2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Trim Vals/Gain3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM Commands and Send Telemetry/Generate PWM Signals
Based on the Control Type/If Control Type Is Selective Passthrough/Switch'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM Commands and Send Telemetry/Generate PWM Signals
Based on the Control Type/If Control Type Is Selective Passthrough/Switch1'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM Commands and Send Telemetry/Generate PWM Signals
Based on the Control Type/If Control Type Is Selective Passthrough/Switch2'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Threshold'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/Update PWM Commands and Send Telemetry/Generate PWM Signals
Based on the Control Type/If Control Type Is Selective Passthrough/Switch3'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'Gain'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/get Nav Vars/Angle Conversion/Unit Conversion'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'UpperLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/get Nav Vars/Direction Cosine Matrix to Euler
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'LowerLimit'. The parameter's value cannot be
represented exactly using the run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You
can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This
originated from 'controlMCUSlugsMKII/get Nav Vars/Direction Cosine Matrix to Euler
### Invoking Target Language Compiler on controlMCUSlugsMKII.rtw
### Using System Target File: C:\Mes_doccuments_Maison\prog\Matlab2\RTWdsPIC\dspic\dspic.tlc
### Loading TLC function libraries
### Initial pass through model to cache user defined code
### Caching model source code
### Writing main
### Writing source file controlMCUSlugsMKII.c
### Writing header file controlMCUSlugsMKII_private.h
### Writing header file controlMCUSlugsMKII.h
### Writing header file controlMCUSlugsMKII_types.h
### Writing header file rtwtypes.h
### Writing header file rt_MAXf_snf.h
### Writing header file rt_zcfcn.h
### Writing source file rt_zcfcn.c
### Writing header file rt_nonfinite.h
### Writing source file rt_nonfinite.c
### Writing header file rt_SATURATE.h
### Writing header file rt_SIGNf_snf.h
### Writing header file rtGetInf.h
### Writing source file rtGetInf.c
### Writing header file rtGetNaN.h
### Writing source file rtGetNaN.c
### Writing source file controlMCUSlugsMKII_data.c
### Writing header file autobuild.h
### Writing source file controlMCUSlugsMKII_main.c
### TLC code generation complete.
### Creating HTML report file controlMCUSlugsMKII_codegen_rpt.html
.### Evaluating PostCodeGenCommand specified in the model
Embedded Coder for dsPIC V&&Version&&(&& Date &&) for Matlab && Release &&.
Licence Accorded to && Licence Name &&
&& Mailcontact &&
&& Companie &&
&& CompanieAddress1 &&
&& CompanieAddress2 &&
&& CompanieAddress3 &&
&& CompanieAddress4 &&
Facturation to : && BuyerName &&
&& MailBuyer &&
&& BuyerAddress1 &&
&& BuyerAddress2 &&
&& BuyerAddress3 &&
&& BuyerAddress4 &&
Check updates and new informations at :
### Processing Template Makefile: C:\Mes_doccuments_Maison\prog\Matlab2\RTWdsPIC\dspic\dspic_pic30_gcc.tmf
-- Bypassing matlab internal LCC configuration --
### Creating from C:\Mes_doccuments_Maison\prog\Matlab2\RTWdsPIC\dspic\dspic_pic30_gcc.tmf
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/DEE.c
''pic30-gcc -c C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/DEES.s -Wa,-p=33fJ256MC710,-g
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/apUtils.c
C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/apUtils.c:852:7: warning: no newline at end of file
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/circBuffer.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include controlMCUSlugsMKII_data.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include controlMCUSlugsMKII_main.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c: In function '_IC2Interrupt':
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c:11: warning: PSV model not specified for '_IC2Interrupt';
assuming 'auto_psv' this may affect latency
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c: In function '_IC3Interrupt':
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c:32: warning: PSV model not specified for '_IC3Interrupt';
assuming 'auto_psv' this may affect latency
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c: In function '_IC4Interrupt':
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c:53: warning: PSV model not specified for '_IC4Interrupt';
assuming 'auto_psv' this may affect latency
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c: In function '_IC5Interrupt':
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c:74: warning: PSV model not specified for '_IC5Interrupt';
assuming 'auto_psv' this may affect latency
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c: In function '_IC8Interrupt':
dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.c:95: warning: PSV model not specified for '_IC8Interrupt';
assuming 'auto_psv' this may affect latency
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/groundStationDriver.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/interProcCommSlave.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/navSupport.c
C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/navSupport.c:211:2: warning: no newline at end of file
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/protDecoder.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include rtGetInf.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include rtGetNaN.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include rt_nonfinite.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include rt_zcfcn.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include C:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib/sbrk.c
''pic30-gcc -c -mcpu=33fJ256MC710 -O -merrata=exch -mlarge-data -O -I. -I..\.. -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/simulink/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/extern/include -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/ert -IC:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010a/rtw/c/src/ext_mode/common -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\controlMCUSlugsMKII_dspic\sources -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS -IC:\Users\Lubin\Desktop\SLUGS\clib -I C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\include controlMCUSlugsMKII.c
''pic30-ld -t --report-mem -Map ../ --heap 0 -cref -T C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\support\dsPIC33F\gld\p33fJ256MC710.gld -o ..\../controlMCUSlugsMKII.cof DEE.o DEES.o apUtils.o circBuffer.o controlMCUSlugsMKII_data.o controlMCUSlugsMKII_main.o dsPIC_InputCapture_Interrupt.o groundStationDriver.o interProcCommSlave.o navSupport.o protDecoder.o rtGetInf.o rtGetNaN.o rt_nonfinite.o rt_zcfcn.o sbrk.o controlMCUSlugsMKII.o C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\lib\libpic30-coff.a C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\lib\dsPIC33F\libp33fJ256MC710-coff.a C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\lib\libc-coff.a C:\PROGRA~2\MICROC~1\MPLABC~2\lib\libm-coff.a
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\mplabc30\v3.25\bin\bin/pic30-coff-ld.exe: mode pic30_coff
Program Memory [Origin = 0x200, Length = 0x2aa00]
section address length (PC units) length (bytes) (dec)
------- ------- ----------------- --------------------
.text 0x200 0x296e 0x3e25 (15909)
.text 0x2b6e 0x8c 0xd2 (210)
.isr 0x2bfa 0x2 0x3 (3)
_03597a804ce99355 0x2c00 0x1000 0x1800 (6144)
.const 0x3c00 0x94 0xde (222)
.text 0x3c94 0x646a 0x969f (38559)
.dinit 0xa0fe 0x1da 0x2c7 (711)
.text 0xa2d8 0x3be 0x59d (1437)
.text 0xa696 0x8e 0xd5 (213)
Total program memory used (bytes): 0xf7b0 (63408) 24%
Data Memory [Origin = 0x800, Length = 0x7800]
section address alignment gaps total length (dec)
------- ------- -------------- -------------------
.nbss 0x800 0 0x2 (2)
.bss 0x802 0 0x174e (5966)
.data 0x1f50 0 0x9e (158)
.dconst 0x1fee 0 0x32 (50)
.data 0x2020 0 0x22 (34)
.bss 0x2042 0 0x2c (44)
.data 0x206e 0 0x12 (18)
.dconst 0x2080 0 0x8 (8)
.data 0x2088 0 0x4 (4)
.bss 0x208c 0 0x4 (4)
.data 0x2090 0 0x4 (4)
.bss 0x2094 0 0x2 (2)
.data 0x2096 0 0x2 (2)
.dconst 0x2098 0 0x2 (2)
.data 0x209a 0 0x2 (2)
_0291ea804ce9935e 0x7f32 0 0xce (206)
Total data memory used (bytes): 0x196a (6506) 21%
Dynamic Memory Usage
region address maximum length (dec)
------ ------- ---------------------
heap 0 0 (0)
stack 0x209c 0x5e96 (24214)
Maximum dynamic memory (bytes): 0x5e96 (24214)
*** Embedded Target for dsPIC by Lubin KERHUEL -
| Licence Accorded to && Licence Name &&|
| && Mailcontact &&|
| Companie : && Companie &&|
| && CompanieAddress1 &&|
| && CompanieAddress2 &&|
| && CompanieAddress3 &&|
| && CompanieAddress4 &&|
| Financial Service : && BuyerName &&|
| Contact && MailBuyer &&|
| && BuyerAddress1 &&|
| && BuyerAddress2 &&|
| && BuyerAddress3 &&|
| && BuyerAddress4 &&|
| Version &&Version&& && Date && |
| For Matlab && VerMatlab && && Release && |
*** Created executable: ..\../controlMCUSlugsMKII.cof
''pic30-bin2hex ..\../controlMCUSlugsMKII.cof
*** Created executable: ..\../controlMCUSlugsMKII.hex
***Ready to be downloaded into 33fJ256MC710. (with MPLAB: file -> import, choose controlMCUSlugsMKII.hex)
***alternative (experimental): load the project and re-compile it in MPLAB IDE
### Successful completion of Real-Time Workshop build procedure for model: controlMCUSlugsMKII